Monday, March 18, 2024

Spiritual Significance of Head Covering

 So...I've been noodling on this for a few days (weeks, really.)

I've seen many people give head coverings a spiritual significance that the Bible is silent on.

I think that we really need to be careful to not go beyond what Scripture tells us.

Things the Bible doesn't say:

  • - that wearing a head cover will protect us from violence
  • - that head coverings will protect us from evil angels

Here's a tricky one

  • - that head coverings will increase our submission/femininity/self-control/etc.

Here's why that's tricky.  For some people, "spiritual discipline" can be as broad as submission, worship, witness.(

If we consider head coverings as a spiritual discipline 

  • when we cover our heads, we bear witness to our submission to, and agreement with, God's plan of headship on creation order, that's a spiritual discipline.
  • If we wear a head covering as a part of worship, that's a spiritual discipline.
  • If wearing a head covering sets us apart from others in our congregation, that indicates self-control and that's a spiritual discipline.

That spiritual discipline can lead to other "good things" but it's not the cause. When we draw nearer to God, the fruits of the Spirit come to the forefront of who we are.

So...the spiritual discipline of covering your head may lead to extra femininity (a God-given trait)  but it's a fruit of head covering, head covering is not the cause, it's the submission to God's will.

Head covering may make us more aware of evil spirits, but it's the submission to God's will that brings that, not the covering itself.

Covering your head does not bring spiritual power - the power comes from our submission to God's will.


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What Events Do I Cover For?

I am happily Reformed and so I'm aware of the Regulative Principle of Worship. Briefly, it's the doctrine that God not only wants to...