Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Head Covering - Full time, worship only...or somewhere in between?

 Background:  I'm a daily reader and active participant in several head covering FaceBook groups.

One might think that all would be supportive of any woman's choice to cover...but no.  

The two points of contention:

  1. How often a woman should wear a head covering and
  2. How much of her hair should be covered and/or what type of cover should be worn.

On both of these points I've reached a middle ground - I'll get to those in a bit. 

My issue today is that the women and men who believe that full-time covering is the way to go and/or believe that 

My issue today is that those who believe that the Apostle Paul was referring to the gathering of the saints when he penned the head covering passage tend to read about those who cover full-time and think:  yeah, okay.  I don't think you need to, but I'll support your choice.

Those who cover full-time, or their wives cover full-time are way more likely to voice the idea that "if you don't do it like us, you're doing it wrong."

On the type - oh my goodness!

The women who will speak up and say (especially to a young woman brand new to the practice) that "that headband isn't enough" or "you should wear a veil and not a hat because people won't know it's a cover."

Woman, sit down!

It's difficult enough to start covering when you're the only one in your church who wears a head cover, and go to the place where you should be the most supported, only to be told you're doing it wrong.

Wide head bands - nope.

hats - nope (really?)

lace - nope.

Where the Bible is silent, shut up!


Just for the record, where we come down:

Type of cover...whatever.  But personally, we have made the choice (and do *NOT* impose it on others) that 

  1. the covers I wear to Lord's Day Service will be a style that cannot be mistaken for a fashion statement.
  2. Wide headbands and berets are great for small group gatherings
  3. hats that coordinate with my outfits are suitable for Christian weddings and funerals, so as not to be any distraction.
  4. for wide headbands or other veil-style covers, I just chose a 6" width, not because of any conviction - I just needed a number to look for when ordering.

 Next - when to cover:

I am convinced that the  Apostle was writing about the gathering of the saints.

I cover not only for Lord's Day Service, but any Christian gathering where there will be prayer, singing, preaching of the Word. 

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What Events Do I Cover For?

I am happily Reformed and so I'm aware of the Regulative Principle of Worship. Briefly, it's the doctrine that God not only wants to...